Check out what I have done. I hope it inspires you in your next adventure.

Audio Player

Guardian of the Skies

Tea Advert

Turner Documentary



 'Ole in the Ark



Can't you sleep Little Bear?


Character for a Game





Video Player

In the Beginning 02:07
Gandalpoh and Merlin in The Dummy 04.26
Gandalf and Merlin in a stroll round he garden during lockdown 02.07
Gandalf's Problem 6:00
The Sample 05:13
The Stone ~ An idea to dawn 06:39
The Trophy 06:01
Charles Waller ~ Equestrian photographer 02:19
Vuzix iWear with cameras 02.39
Guy Fletcher ~ Tattoo Artist 04:06
Laying an Artificial Grass Tennis Court 07:13
Meat Outdoors BBQ and Hogroast 01:40
Jamie Bevan ~ In the Middle With You 03:22
An experiment in Slow Motion 03.25
"Got my Love" by Joshua Willis 04:03
Wasp Killer Sketch 03.42
A bit of fun! 1.30